Pet Travel to Barbados
1) Download the Government Document detailing all that is needed to know regarding the import of pets to Barbados.
Found Here
2) Download, Complete and Submit the Ministry of Agriculture’s Import Application for Dogs and Cats. Found Here
**This document should be submitted to and remains valid for up to 6 months.**
3) Have an Official Export Health Certificate signed and stamped by the Official Veterinary Services of your country of origin. Found Here **Note: it must be copied in English ** Note: US Citizens also need USDA forms** Found Here And Here
4) Your pet must be microchipped and registered to your name to enter Barbados.
5) Your pet must be treated for Rabies after being microchipped and prior to departure.
6) Your animal must also be treated for heartworm and parasites a maximum of 7 days before departure.
5) You will need to employ a Customs Broker in Barbados to facilitate customs clearance. Your pet must clear customs and vet checks upon arrival. Directory of Customs Brokers in Barbados. Found Here
**Please Note: There are new Covid-19 Protocols at Animal Reception Centre on arrival** Found Here
We urge you to contact The Veterinary Services Department of the Ministry of Agriculture for Barbados with any additional questions. Email: or by phone 1-246-535-0220 // 1-246-535-0221
There are also organizations that are happy to help you with all of this. Call Woodbourne Kennel or The Ark Animal Welfare Society