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Report Animal Abuse in Barbados

First - Complete our Animal Abuse Form.    Found Here
This form is to document animal cruelty and does not actually dispatch a rescue team. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE AN EMAIL/PHONE NUMBER/WHATSAPP OR EXACT LOCATION, WE WILL BE UNABLE TO FOLLOW UP ON YOUR REPORT

Second - Whatsapp or Call Inspector Wayne Norville with a location pin and information you have on the case.
1 (246) 232-8083 or Animal Control 1 (246) 536-3160

If Inspector Norville/Animal Control are unavailable, please Whatsapp Ocean Acres Animal Sanctuary 1 (246) 262-4505

Call the Barbados Police #211 if abuse falls under the Barbados Prevention to Cruelty to Animals Act CAP 144
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Gather as much information and evidence on the abuse as possible (ex: Name of Owner, Name of Abuser, Location of Abuse, take photos, videos etc). 

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