Ocean Acres - St John, Barbados
Animal Sanctuary
& Rescue Organization
• Adopt Dogs & Cats & Tortoises
• Foster Dogs
• Sponsor an Animal
• Travel Buddy Program
• Volunteer with Dogs
• Rescue Rehabilitation
Opening Hours:
7 days a week 11am-4pm
The Ark Animal Welfare Society
- St George Barbados
Animal Sanctuary
& Rescue Organization
• Adopt Dogs & Cats
• Foster Dogs & Cats
• Volunteer with Dogs & Cats
• Rescue Rehabilitation
Opening Hours:
7 days a week, 10am-230pm
Spay/Neuter in Barbados
RSPCA - St Michael, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic & Adoption
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 8am-3pm, Saturdays 8am-11am, Sundays Closed
Emergency Hotline:
Listen for Voicemail Message
Trinity Animal Clinic - St Philip, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
Monday – Fridays: 8am–11am &
Saturdays: 9am–11am
Sundays: 9am–11am
Emergency Hotline:
Listen for Voicemail Message
Central Vet Clinic - St George, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 830-12pm
& 12-4pm by apt
Weekends 9-11am by apt
Emergency Hotline:
Listen for Voicemail Message
Eastern Veterinary Clinic - St Philip, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
Monday-Fridays: 9am-11am &4pm-6pm
Weekends: 9am-11am
Emergency hotline:
Sierra Vets - St Lucy, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
By appointment only
House Calls may be available
Emergency hotline: none
Central Vet South - Christ Church, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
Monday-Fridays: 9am-12pm &
Weekends: 9am-11am
Emergency hotline:
1 246-437-0478
Listen for voicemail message
Animal Care Animal Hospital
- St Michael, Barbados
Veterinary Clinic
Opening Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 8am-6:30pm​
Wednesdays: 8am-12pm
Saturdays: 9am-1pm
Sundays: closed
Emergency hotline:
1 246-427-3135
Listen for voicemail message
Animal Resources in Barbados
I know of an animal being abused. How can I help it?
I'd like to volunteer/support animal welfare in Barbados. How can I help?
I'd like to adopt a pet. What do I need to know?
I've lost my pet! What should i do?
I've found a stray or injured animal. How can I help it?
I've caught a stray animal. What should I do next?
Pet Travel to/from Barbados
I want to bring my pet to Barbados. What do I need to know?
I would like to volunteer to transport rescue dogs to my home country. What do I need to know?
I would like to transport an animal back to my home country with me. What do I need to know?
I want to adopt a rescue pet from Barbados. What do I need to know?
Sea Turtles in Barbados
Barbados is home to 3 species of endangered sea turtles - Hawksbill, Green and Leatherbacks. Hawksbill and Green turtles can be seen in abundance in Barbados thanks to the efforts of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project.
The Barbados Sea Turtle project would also appreciate reports of:
Sea Turtles nesting
Sea Turtle nests being tampered with (by human, animal or nature)
Monkeys in Barbados
Where can I see Green Monkeys while in Barbados?
• Wild Monkeys can be seen all over the island, often where fruit trees grow in abundance.
• Barbados Wildlife Reserve has a troop of monkeys. Best time to interact with them is during feeding around 2pm.
Is it safe to touch or pet a monkey in Barbados?
• No. Please keep your hands to yourself. Monkeys in Barbados are wild and often carry diseases and bacteria in their mouths. Touching/Playing/Holding a monkey may get you bit which can cause serious infections.
Can Green Monkeys be pets?
• Short answer - NO, they absolutely can not.
There are circumstances where monkeys have become pets, often to individuals claiming to have rescued the monkey when its mother is shot or killed in some way. The owners that truly care for their monkeys will tell you the relationship is nothing but heartbreak in the end. The monkey often doesn't adapt well to captivity, and even if they do, at a certain point they will grow too big to be a cuddly pet and will become a danger to themselves and their owners. At this point the monkey needs to be released but has no where to go and would never survive in the wild on its own. The alternative is living a caged life which is never suited for a monkey.
Is it ok to support individuals who have them as pets?
• No. Pets should not be exploited for personal gain. Please do not pay anyone to have your photo taken with monkeys or for an opportunity to pet/play with the monkey. There are a few genuine owners rescuing monkeys but these endorsements only fuel the fire for bad people to continue to rip baby monkeys away from their families for personal gain.
Action for Animals Barbados (AFAB)
Charity 1386, sit on the African Green Monkey committee for the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification. They coordinate school outreach programs, plant fruit trees for monkeys, and do general outreaches for issues pertaining to domestic, livestock and wildlife animals.